Biotech and Space: Interview with Francesc Gòdia, director of the MELiSSA pilot plant

Francesc Gòdia is a Full Professor of Chemical Engineering at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) since 1993. Teaching activities in Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering. Coordinator of the Biotechnology Doctoral Program at UAB. His research activity is focussed on Regenerative Technology for Life Support in Space and Animal Cell Technology for the production of biopharmaceuticals, recombinant

Interview with Lorena de Oñate, postodoctoral researcher in the Innovative Genomics Institute, led by Prof. Doudna, winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Laura Moro, Ph.D. As you all know, this year Nobel Prize in Chemistry was recently awarded to Prof. Emmanuelle Charpentier and Prof. Jennifer A. Doudna who discovered one of gene technology’s sharpest tools: the CRISPR/Cas9 genetic scissors. We spoke with Lorena de Oñate, PhD, a postdoctoral researcher from Barcelona currently working at the Innovative Genomics

Bioethics and Genetic Modification: Back to Gattaca

Alexandre Bretel In the common imaginary, genetic modifications belong above all to the field of science fiction. But some techniques have already been in use for several decades, and new ones raise unprecedented ethical questions. The CRISPR-Cas9 technique thus allows very precise modifications to be made to the genome, which would make it possible to