Benefits of participating and supporting hackathons on social challenges – experiences from YEBN during the #EUvsVirus

Alexandra Nothnagel,Vice-President of the YEBN A pan-European hackathon was hosted by the European Commission and led by the European Innovation Council in close collaboration with the EU member states. A hackathon (a portmanteau of hacking marathon with  “hack” in the sense of exploratory programming, not as a reference to computer crime.) is a design and

Welcoming Note from the President and Vice-President of the YEBN (2020/2021)

Dear community, Here it comes, the 2nd Newsletter of 2020 and… Yes! We are glad to announce to you that our new European Executive Board (EB) 2020/2021 has again the maximum size of 7 team members, integrating three new talents and covering 6 nations – France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain and UK. Once you finish

COVID-19 in Sub-Saharan Africa. The case of Nigeria.

Most of us are aware about the evolution of COVID-19 pandemic in European countries. However, there is less information about the situation in Sub-Saharan African, where the low availability of resources and the weakened health systems make even more difficult to face the pandemic. We have spoken with Suleiman Oshioke Yakubu, a Public Health Specialist

COVID-19 pandemic: the European panorama. Focus in Italy and Spain.

by Laura Moro, Ph.D. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) continues to escalate worldwide, with Europe and the USA being the current epicentres of the pandemic. As of April 22, there are around 2,471,000 declared cases and over 169,000 deaths globally, with many countries undergoing community transmission. The situation in Europe is particularly gloomy with over 1.2

Career Development Programme: Bio-Building Yourself!

In this programme, focused on how to develop your personal industrial pathway, we will be joined by three professionals from the bio-field. Thanks to the speakers, you will be able to analyse your strengths, weaknesses and opportunities to develop your own plan to succeed in your career! You will learn how to find opportunities in

New Sinergy! FÉDÉEH and the YEBN join forces towards a more inclusive society!

FÉDÉEH is a French nonprofit student federation for the empowerment of dynamic students and young professionals with disabilities and students’ associations promoting inclusive campus and society. The mission of FEDEEH is to optimize, through a long-term commitment, the study conditions and professional inclusion for young people with impairments and disabilities as well as their assistants.

Dr. Juanma Fernández Costa, researcher working at the IBEC

Brief Introduction about yourself and the project (TATAMI) I am a scientific researcher looking for new therapeutic approaches for neuromuscular diseases. In this project particularly we are developing a novel therapeutic strategy for myotonic dystrophy based on blocking specific small RNAs or microRNA with antisense oligonucleotides, or anti-miRs. Tell us about you implication in the