Is Bioremediation the easy solution to human-caused pollution?
We have lots of important pollution issues all around us. It’s not a secret or something that just experts in the matter are aware of anymore. People are getting more worried about climate change and how we can try to fix our past (and present) mistakes with the environment. To start off, the plastic problematic.…
Interview with Dr. Liz Rylott on Bioremediation
Interview with Dr. Liz Rylott – Centre for Novel Agricultural Products (CNAP) – Department of Biology – University of York Liz is a world leader in the development of GM and synthetic biology technologies for the phytoremediation of organic pollutants, especially explosives, such as TNT and RDX, and inorganic contaminants. When did you first develop…
YEBN Alumni Interview with Sebastian Olényi – CEO of sustentio
The Young European Biotech Network is not as young any more as the name suggests, the association has already reached the age of an adolescent: During 17 years of history a lot of interesting people that have shaped the YEBN and its projects. What are the former board members of YEBN doing now? What are…
Interview with Alexandre Bretel – YEBN Networking Task Group Leader
You are now Task Group Leader of the Networking TG for the first time. As new task group leader, what are your goals and hopes for YEBN in 2019/20? Our main objectives for this year are to find new biotechnology associations, new institutional partners and new sponsors. We hope to have partners and members of…
Interview with Ela Gralinska, new Transfer Manager at YEBN
You started working with the YEBN team this year. As a new member of the YEBN team, what are your goals and hopes for YEBN in 2019/2020? I hope that in the near future we will find and start cooperating with new Institutional Members, discover other funding opportunities and co-organize interesting networking events together with…
Warm greetings from the President and Vice President of the YEBN
Presidents’ greeting What a great pleasure to arrive to our 3rd Newsletter this year. We have prepared for you with a continuously growing hard-working and with a team which enjoyed itself a lot to prepare this piece of literature for your summer holidays with hot topics (fighting to the heatwave) from the Biotech and Life…
Are you a #BiotechFan?
Do you want to go the European Biotech Week and learn about the newest developments in the field? You could win a free trip to the conference in Brussels by submitting a short video about your research for the #BiotechFan competition. Promote your own ideas or research and exchange with other biotech fans in the…
Do you want to Start up in life sciences and you don’t know how?
Come and learn the steps you need to follow to become a startupper in the life sciences sector. An activity from the ASBTEC and YEBN joint Do you feel the need to incorporate some business knowledge in your life sciences career? This event will focus on the steps required to go from an idea to…
3D Tissue Printing: how to fix a broken heart
A few weeks ago scientists around Professor T. Dvir from the Tel Aviv University reported their ground-breaking findings in the field of tissue engineering aided by the advances in 3D tissue printing. Professor T. Dvir and his interdisciplinary team from the Tel Aviv University are working in the field of cardiac tissue engineering in order…
Meet the Executive Board YEBN members. Amina Frese, Communication Officer of the YEBN
This month we interview our Communication Officer. As for the other Executive Board members we ask Amina about her motivations and vision for YEBN and hope to get to know her a bit better by asking about her personal experiences from her career so far. Amina Frese started in the YEBN the past December 2018…
Projects corner: CreOrgans, Guido Frigieri interview
We launch our new Projects corner, a place where we make visible scientific projects that comes from academy to becom start ups! This time coinciding with the topic of this newsletter, bioprinting, we interview Guido Frigieri, co-Founder of a start up focused in this field, called CreOrgans. We are not going to spend more time…