BioSpain Career Fair – 26th September

BIOSPAIN is one of the largest biotech events in Europe with many participating companies. This year, Biospain will take place from 24th to 26th September in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. The Programme includes a broad overview about Biotechnology in Spain and internationally. On Friday, 26th Sept., there will be a Career Fair organised by FEBiotec: BIOSPAIN

Naturejobs Career Expo, 19th Sept, London, UK

If you are interested in a job in UK, this is the career expo to go to. The scheduled sessions have a strong focus on the Life Sciences. At the exhibition, you will find many research institutes and universities from all over the world. There are no registration fees!  

YEBN at the Euroscience Open Forum 2014

On the 21st of June, the city of Copenhagen will celebrate the opening of this year’s EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF), a week-long scientific meeting that comes in more than a single flavour, designed to engage (young) researchers & students, policymakers & entrepreneurs and the general public alike. At the ESOF, science itself as well as

YEBN Newsletter June 2014

The latest YEBN Newsletter is available here. Welcome to another busy edition of the YEBN newsletter.  We start with our new competition: ‘Your embarrasing lab mistake’. Please send in your input, the competition is still running (see first page). Then we asked one of European biotechnology’s biggest questions, how can we become better innovators?  Top

Europe’s Leading Biotechnology Congress

The 16th European Congress on Biotechnology is organised by the European Federation of Biotechnology. The congress features 150+ speakers, 1,000 scientific posters and 50+ exhibitors. Over 1,400 delegates are expected to attend the congress from leading biotechnology companies, government and regulatory bodies, universities, research institutes, learned societies, national associations and many more. Participants have the

EU funding for Youth Initiatives

The new ERASMUS plus programme (before: Youth in Action) funds activities organised by young people, for example the Youth conference on European Life Science Careers (sorry, link not working at the moment) or the Intercultural communication workshop The full Guide of the programme is online on the Erasmus Plus website see page 67 for description

Innovation conference in Cambridge 27th-28th Feburary

The Innovation Forum in Cambrigde organises a big conference about innovation in life sciences, biotechnology, health care, engineering and IT. From 27th – 28t February 2014, be presented with the latest technologies from innovative companies, discover new perspectives in innovation and get advice about creating a start-up company. Speakers include biotech company directors, scientifc officiers

ScieCon job fair – 23rd Oct 2013 in Bochum, Germany

The biotechnologische Studenteninitiative e.V. is organising a big biotech & life science job fair in Bochum, Germany. Exhibitors like Qiagen, Mylteni Biotech, Provadis Professionals, KWS SAAT, and Evonik have also expressed their interest in international employees. The event will take place at the Ruhr University Bochum from 10.00 to 17.00 on the 23rd October. Entrance

Join the debate – GapSummit 2014

GapSummit 2014 is the world’s first inter-generational leadership summit in Biotechnology. 100 young leaders of tomorrow from across the world will be selected to debate with research pioneers, industrial leaders, venture capitalists and policy makers. Application for young leaders of tomorrow close on the 22nd of December 2013. More information on

YEBN annual meeting

Dear all, The YEBN annual meeting will take place on Sunday, 1st December in Heidelberg, Germany. This is an opportunity to meet up with fellow young scientists and to find out what is happening in the European community of young biotechnologists and life scientists. More details about the programme will follow in the coming month.